  • 解釈:正月と盆の共通点。
  • Literal:New Year and Bon Festival.
  • Interpretation:The common point of New Year and Bon Festival.

  • 古来日本人は、人が死に長い年月が経つと、先祖の霊は神となって近くの山に行きます。 山へ行った先祖の神は、子孫を守ってくれると考えられてきました。
    When a person dies as for the Japanese from ancient times, and long time passes, as for the ancestral ghost, it is the god and goes to the mountain nearby. It has been thought that ancestral the god who went to the mountain protected a descendant.
    For New Year, it is an event to invite ancestor's soul god who became the god to.
    Bon Festival is the event that time invites a short apparition of a person to after still dying.
  • Category:My saying
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.